توثيق القالب[عرض] [عدّل] [تاريخ] [محو الاختزان] [استخدامات]
هذا القالب يستعمل لوا: |
This template displays a chess board, given a FEN. It was built with the intention of eventually replacing {{Chess diagram}}
- fen: the string representing the location of the pieces. supposedly, it will ignore the "tail end" of the FEN string that does not represent the actual pieces.
- size: integer, represent the size of one square in pixels. optional - defaults to 26 (size=23 corresponds to "chess diagram small")
- reverse: use true to show the board from the black's point of view.
- align: can be "tleft" or "tright". default to "tleft"
- header: text to show above the board
- footer: text to show below the board
Some examples:
{{مخطط رقعة شطرنج (ت.ف.إ)}}
{{مخطط رقعة شطرنج (ت.ف.إ) |fen=rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR |size=20 |align=tleft |reverse=false |header=standard opening position of a chess game |footer=White moves first }}
{{مخطط رقعة شطرنج (ت.ف.إ) |fen=rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR |reverse=true }}
{{مخطط رقعة شطرنج (ت.ف.إ) |fen=r3r1k1/1bqn1p1p/ppnpp1p1/6P1/P2NPP2/2N4R/1PP2QBP/5R1K }}
{{مخطط رقعة شطرنج (ت.ف.إ) |fen=r3r1k1/1bqn1p1p/ppnpp1p1/6P1/P2NPP2/2N4R/1PP2QBP/5R1K |reverse=true }}
{{مخطط رقعة شطرنج (ت.ف.إ) |fen=r3r1k1/1bqn1p1p/ppnpp1p1/6P1/P2NPP2/2N4R/1PP2QBP/5R1K |size=40 }}