Protruding balconies were a common feature of colonial architecture, although not enclosed with glass windows originally.
Rich Hill (Cerro Rico; elev. 4,824m/15,827ft) in the background is obscured by the bell tower of the Museum and Convent of St. Francis. The convent was founded in 1547, making it the oldest in Bolivia. When the original monastery proved too small, it was demolished and the current structure was built over a 19-year period starting in 1707.
Potosí (elev. 4,090m/13,420ft) [for comparison: Lhasa, Tibet, at 3,658m/12,001ft] was founded in 1545 as a mining town at the foot of Rich Hill (Cerro Rico), the world’s largest silver deposit. An estimated 60% of all silver mined in the world during the second half of the 16th century came from Potosí which was reputed to be the world’s largest industrial complex at the time. Its population eventually exceeded 200,000 people, making it one of the largest cities in the world. Most of the mining and smelting (using mercury) was done by forced labor, both indigenous people and African slaves. As many as 8 million workers are estimated to have died between 1545 and 1825. Output began to decline in the early 19th century. By the 1890s, low silver prices prompted a change to mining tin. Growing demand for tin this century by the electronics industry has helped the local economy. Silver extraction continues on a small scale.
Miguel de Cervantes’ novel “Don Quixote” describes Potosí as a land of “extraordinary richness” (chapter 71 in the second volume which was published in 1615).
The City of Potosí was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987.
On Google Earth:
Cerro Rico 19°37'8.81"S, 65°45'1.12"W
Museo & Convento de San Francisco 19°35'27.93"S, 65°45'10.94"W
نسب العمل إلى مُؤَلِّفه – يلزم نسب العمل إلى مُؤَلِّفه بشكل مناسب وتوفير رابط للرخصة وتحديد ما إذا أجريت تغييرات. بالإمكان القيام بذلك بأية طريقة معقولة، ولكن ليس بأية طريقة تشير إلى أن المرخِّص يوافقك على الاستعمال.
الإلزام بترخيص المُشتقات بالمثل – إذا أعدت إنتاج المواد أو غيرت فيها، فيلزم أن تنشر مساهماتك المُشتقَّة عن الأصل تحت ترخيص الأصل نفسه أو تحت ترخيص مُتوافِقٍ معه.